

Recursive definition

A tree(树) is either empty, or has a root(根) rr that connects to the roots of zero or more non-empty (sub)trees.

  • Root of each subtree is called a child(子) of the root of the tree. And rr is the parent(父) of each subtree's root.
  • Nodes with no children are called leaves(叶子).
  • Nodes with same parent are siblings(兄弟).
  • If a node vv is on the path from rr to uu, then vv is an ancestor(祖先) of uu, and uu is a descendant(后代) of vv.

More terminology

  • The depth(深度) of a node uu is the length of the path from uu to the root rr.
  • The height(高度) of a node uu is the length of the longest path from uu to one of its descendants.
    • Height of a leaf node is zero.
    • Height of a non-leaf node is the maximum height of its children plus one.

Binary Trees

A binary tree(二叉树) is a tree where each node has at most two children. Often call these children as left child and right child.

Full Binary Trees

A full binary tree(满二叉树) is a binary tree where each node has either zero or two children.

A full binary tree is either a single node, or a tree where the two subtrees of the root are full binary trees.

Complete Binary Trees

A complete binary tree(完全二叉树) is a binary tree where every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.

A complete binary tree can be efficiently represented using an array.

Perfect Binary Trees

A perfect binary tree(完美二叉树) is a binary tree where all non-leaf nodes have two children and all leaves are at the same level (have same depth).



  • Preorder traversal(先序遍历): given a tree with root rr, first visit rr, then visit subtrees rooted at rr's children, using preorder traversal.
  • Postorder traversal(后序遍历): given a tree with root rr, first visit subtrees rooted at rr's children using postorder traversal, then visit rr.
  • Inorder traversal(中序遍历): given a binary tree with root rr, first visit subtree rooted at r.left, then visit rr, finally visit subtree rooted at r.right.

Preorder traversal

if r != NULL
for each child u of r

Postorder traversal

if r != NULL
for each child u of r

Inorder traversal

if r != NULL



  • Time Complexity: Θ(n)\Theta(n) as processing each node takes Θ(1)\Theta(1).
  • Space complexity: O(n)O(n) as worst-case call stack depth is Θ(n)\Theta(n).


class Frame {
Node node
bool visited
Frame(Node n, bool v) {
node := n
visited := v

Stack s
s.push(Frame(r, false))
while !s.empty()
f := s.pop()
if f.node != NULL
if f.visited
// Exchange this two lines to get postorder traversal
for each child u of f.node
s.push(Frame(u, false))
s.push(Frame(f.node, true))

Stack s
s.push(Frame(r, false))
while !s.empty()
f := s.pop()
if f.node != NULL
if f.visited
s.push(Frame(f.node.right, false))
// Cos Stack is LIFO
s.push(Frame(f.node, true))
s.push(Frame(f.node.left, false))


  • Time Complexity: Θ(n)\Theta(n).
  • Space Complexity: O(n)O(n) in worst-case.

Morris Inorder Traversal is a tree traversal algorithm aiming to achieve a space complexity of O(1)O(1) without recursion or an external data structure.

Level-order traversal

Previous methods are all depth-first(深度优先) traversal. And another special kind of traversal is breadth-first(广度优先) traversal, which is also called level-order traversal.

In a breadth-first traversal, the nodes are visited level-by-level starting at the root and moving down, visiting the nodes at each level from left to right.

if r!= NULL
Queue q
while !q.empty()
node := q.remove()
if node != NULL
for each child u of node

Search Trees

The Dictionary ADT


A Dictionary(字典, also called symbol-table, relation or map) ADT is used to represent a set of elements with (usually distinct) key values.

Each element has a key field and a data field.


  • Search(S, k): Find an element in S with key value k.
  • Insert(S, x): Add x to S.
    • Convention of existence of same key: the new value replaces the old one.
  • Remove(S, x): Remove element x from S, assuming x is in S.
  • Remove(S, k): Remove element with key value k from S.

In typical applications, keys are from an ordered universe (Ordered Dictionary):

  • Min(S) and Max(S): Find the element in S with minimum/maximum key.
  • Successor(S, x) or Successor(S, k): Find smallest element in S that is larger than x.key or key k.
  • Predecessor(S, x) or Predecessor(S, k): Find largest element in S that is smaller than x.key or key k.

Efficient implementation of ORDERED DICTIONARY:

Operations Search(S, k) Insert(S, x) Remove(S, x)
SimpleArray O(n)O(n) O(1)O(1) O(n)O(n)
SimpleLinkedList O(n)O(n) O(1)O(1) O(1)O(1)
SortedArray O(logn)O(\log n) O(n)O(n) O(n)O(n)
SortedLinkedList O(n)O(n) O(n)O(n) O(1)O(1)
BinaryHeap O(n)O(n) O(logn)O(\log n) O(logn)O(\log n)

A data structure implementing all these operations is called efficient, if all these operations cost O(logn)O(\log n) time.

Binary Search Tree (BST)

Binary Search Tree (BST)

A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree in which each node stores an element, and satisfies the binary-search-tree property (BST property):

  1. For every node x in the tree, if y is in the left subtree of x, then y.key <= x.key; if y is in the right subtree of x, then y.key >= x.key.
  2. Given a BST T, let S be the set of elements stored in T, then the sequence of inorder traversal of T is elements of S in ascending order.



Given a BST root x and key k, find an element with key k:

  • If x.key == k, then return x and we are done.
  • If x.key > k, then recurse into the BST rooted at x.left.
  • If x.key < k, then recurse into the BST rooted at x.right.
BSTSearch(x, k):
if x == NULL or x.key == k
return x
else if x.key > k
return BSTSearch(x.left, k)
return BSTSearch(x.right, k)

We can transform tail recursion into iterative version:

BSTSearchIter(x, k):
while x != NULL and x.key != k
if x.key > k
x = x.left
x = x.right
return x


  • Worst-case time complexity
    • Θ(h)\Theta(h) where hh is the height of the BST.
  • How large can hh be in an nn-node BST?
    • Θ(n)\Theta(n) where the BST is like a path (image below).
  • How small can hh be in an nn-node BST?
    • Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) where the BST is well balanced (image below).

As a result, the height of the BST affects the efficiency of Searching operation.


Time complexity: Θ(h)\Theta(h) in the worst-case where hh is height.

Successor in BST

BSTSuccessor(x) finds the smallest element in the BST with key value larger than x.key.

Inorder traversal of BST lists elements in sorted order.

if x.right != NULL
return BSTMin(x.right)
y := x.parent
while y != NULL and y.right == x
x := y
y := y.parent
return y

Time complexity of BSTSuccessor is Θ(h)\Theta(h) in the worst-case where hh is height.

BSTPredecessor can be designed and analyzed similarly.

Insert in BST

BSTInsert(T, z) adds z to BST T. Insertion should not break the BST property.

Like doing a search in T with key z.key. This search will fail and end at leaf y. Insert z as left or right child of y.

Time complexity: Θ(h)\Theta(h) in the worst-case where hh is height.

Remove in BST

BSTRemove(T, z) removes z from BST T. There are three cases:

  1. z has no children
    • We can simply remove z from the BST tree
  2. z has one child
    • We can elevate subtree rooted at z's single child to take z's position.
  3. z has two children

Complexity: Θ(h)\Theta(h) in the worst-case where hh is height.

We can update the table:

Operations Search(S, k) Insert(S, x) Remove(S, x)
SimpleArray O(n)O(n) O(1)O(1) O(n)O(n)
SimpleLinkedList O(n)O(n) O(1)O(1) O(1)O(1)
SortedArray O(logn)O(\log n) O(n)O(n) O(n)O(n)
SortedLinkedList O(n)O(n) O(n)O(n) O(1)O(1)
BinaryHeap O(n)O(n) O(logn)O(\log n) O(logn)O(\log n)
BinarySearchTree O(h)O(h) O(h)O(h) O(h)O(h)

BST also supports other operations of ORDERED DICTIONARY in O(h)O(h) time. But the height of a nn-node BST varies between Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) and Θ(n)\Theta(n).

Height of BST

Consider a sequence of insert operations given by an adversary, the resulting BST can have height Θ(n)\Theta(n). E.g., insert elements in increasing order.

Build the BST from an empty BST with nn insert operations. Each of the n!n! insertion orders is equally likely to happen.

The expected height of a randomly built BST is O(logn)O(\log n).


A Treap(Binary-Search-Tree + Heap, 树堆) is a binary tree where each node has a key value, and a priority value (usually randomly assigned).

The key values must satisfy the BST-property:

  • For each node y in the left subtree of x: y.key <= x.key.
  • For each node y in the right subtree of x: y.key >= x.key.

The priority values must satisfy the MinHeap-property:

  • For each descendant y of x: y.priority >= x.priority.

A TREAP is not necessarily a complete binary tree, thus it is not a BinaryHeap.


Given a set of nn nodes with distinct key values and distinct priority values, a unique TREAP is determined.


Proof by induction on nn:

  • Basic: The claim clearly holds when n=0n = 0
  • Hypothesis: The claim holds when nn1n \le n' - 1

Inductive Step:

    • Given a set of nn' nodes, let r be the node with minimum priority. By MinHeap-property, r has to be the root of the final TREAP.
  • Let L be set of nodes with key values less than r.key, and R be set of nodes with key values larger than r.key.
  • By BST-property, in the final TREAP, nodes in L must in left sub-tree of r, and nodes in R must in right sub-tree of r.
  • By induction hypothesis, nodes in L lead to a unique TREAP, and nodes in R lead to a unique TREAP.


Starting from an empty TREAP, whenever we are given a node x that needs to be added, we assign a random priority for node x, and insert the node into the TREAP.

Here's an alternative view of an nn-node TREAP: A TREAP is a BST built with nn insertions in the order of increasing priorities.

Then, a TREAP is like a randomly built BST, regardless of the order of the insert operations, since we use random priorities.

A TREAP has height O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation. Therefore, all ordered dictionary operations are efficient in expectation.


Rotation changes level of x and y, but preserves BST property:


  1. Assign a random priority to the node to be added.
  2. Insert the node following BST-property.
  3. Fix MinHeap-property (without violating BST-property).



  1. Use rotations to push-down the node till it is a leaf.
  2. Remove the leaf.

Red-Black Tree

TREAP is nice, but can we have a DST supporting ordered dictionary operations in O(logn)O(\log n) time, even in worst-case?

An nn-node BST is balanced if it has height O(logn)O(\log n).

Red-Black Tree (RB-Tree)

A Red-Black Tree (红黑树, RB-Tree) is a BST in which each node has a color, and satisfies es the following properties:

  • Every node is either red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} or black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.
  • The root is black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.
  • Every leaf (NIL) is black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.
  • No red edge: If a node is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}, then both its children are black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.
  • Black height: For every node, all paths from the node to its descendant leaves contain same number of black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} nodes.

Black Height

Call the number of black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} nodes on any simple path from, but not including, a node x down to a leaf the black-height of the node, denoted by bh(x).

  • Due to black-height property, from the black-height perspective, RB-Trees are "perfectly balanced".
  • Due to no-red-edge property, actual height of a RB-Tree does not deviate a lot from its black-height.

Height of RB-Tree

In a RB-Tree, the subtree rooted at x contains at least 2bh(x)12^{\operatorname{bh}(x)} - 1 internal nodes.


Proof by induction on black-height of x:

  • Basic: If x is a leaf, bh(x)=0\operatorname{bh}(x) = 0 and the claim holds.
  • Hypothesis: The claim holds for all nodes with height at most h1h-1.

Inductive Step: Consider a node x with height h1h \ge 1. It must have two children. So the number of internal nodes rooted at x is:

1+(2bh(x.left)1)+(2bh(x.right)1)1+(2bh(x)11)+(2bh(x)11)=2bh(x)1\begin{aligned} &\ge 1 + (2^{\operatorname{bh}(x.\mathrm{left})} - 1) + (2^{\operatorname{bh}(x.\mathrm{right})} - 1) \\ &\ge 1 + (2^{\operatorname{bh}(x)-1} - 1) + (2^{\operatorname{bh}(x)-1} - 1) \\ &= 2^{\operatorname{bh}(x)} - 1 \end{aligned}

Due to no-red-edge, h=height(root)2bh(root)h = \operatorname{height}(\mathrm{root}) \le 2 \operatorname{bh}(\mathrm{root}).

Therefore, n2bh(root)12h21n \ge 2^{\operatorname{bh}(\mathrm{root})} - 1 \ge 2^{\frac{h}{2}} - 1 implying that h2log(n+1)h \le 2 \log (n+1).

Then, the height of an nn-node RB-Tree is O(logn)O(\log n). Search, Min, Max, Predecessor, Successor operations in worst-case is O(logn)O(\log n) time.



  1. Colorize z as red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} and insert as if the RB-Tree was a BST.
    • The colorization should maintain b-h and fix n-r-e if necessary.
  2. Fix any violated properties.
    • No fix is needed if z has a black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} parent. In this case, red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} nodes are few.

Step two haves some cases.

Note: with the execution of algorithm, we change our focus of the node: At the beginning, it is the node to be inserted. Later, it is the node that needs to be changed to fix some property ! We refer to the currently focused node as z.

Case 0: z becomes the root of the RB-Tree.

  • Fix: Simply recolor z as black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.

Case 1: z's parent is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}, so z has black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} grandparent and red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} uncle y.

  • Fix: Recolor z's parent and uncle to black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} and z's grandparent to red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}.

The effect of the fix: b-h property is maintained, and we push-up violation of n-r-e property to z's grandparent.

Case 2: z's parent is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}, and has black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} uncle y.

  1. z is right child of its parent.
  2. z is left child of its parent.

Case 2(a): z's parent is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}, has black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} uncle y, and z is right child of its parent.

  • Fix: Left rotate at z's parent, and then turn to Case 2(b).

Case 2(b): z's parent is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}, has black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} uncle y, and z is left child of its parent.

  • Fix: Right rotate at z's grandparent, recolor z's parent and grandparent.


Time Complexity:


First execute the normal remove operation for BST:

We can reduce this 4 cases to 2 cases. Structurally deleted node:


  1. If z's right child is an external node (leaf) , then z is the node to be deleted structurally: subtree rooted at z.left will replace z.
  2. If z's right child is an internal node, then let y be the min node in subtree rooted at z.right. Overwrite z's info with y's info, and y is the node to be deleted structurally: subtree rooted at y.right will replace y.

Either way, only 1 structural deletion is needed.

Apply the structural deletion, and repair violated properties.


  1. Identify the node to be deleted structurally.
  2. Apply the structural deletion
    • Maintain BST property.
  3. Repair violated RB-Tree properties
    1. If y is a red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} node:
      • Fix: No violations.
    2. If y is a black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} node and x is a red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} node:
      • Fix: Recolor x to black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} and done.
    3. If y is a black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} node and x is a black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} node:
      • Fix: Fix double-black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} violation. To be introduced later.

Assume black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} x is left child of its parent after taking black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}} y's place. And we focus on fixing b-h property.

Case 1: x's sibling w is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}.

  • Fix: Rotate and recolor.
  • Effect: Change x's sibling's color to black, and transform to other cases.

Case 2: x's sibling w is black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}, and both w's children are black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.

  • Fix: Recolor and push-up extra blackness in x.
  • Effect: Either we are done (RB), or we have push-up x (RR).

Case 3: x's sibling w is black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}, and w's left child is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} and right child is black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}.

  • Fix: Rotate and recolor.
  • Effect: w.right becomes red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}} and transform to Case 4.

Case 4: x's sibling w is black\textcolor{orange}{\text{black}}, and w's right child is red\textcolor{red}{\text{red}}.

  • Fix: Rotate and recolor.
  • Effect: Done.

Summary & Time Complexity:

Skip List (跳表)

Why sorted LinkedList is slow? Because to reach an element, you have to move from current position to the destination one at a time.

We can represent the ordered LinkedList as two LinkedLists, one for express stops and one for all stops.

We can build multiple express ways to reduce number of elements by half at each level. This is just binary search, reducing search range by half at each level.

This is efficient, O(1)O(1) time at each level and O(logn)O(\log n) levels in total.


Insert(L, x):
level := 1
done := False
while !done
Insert x into level k List
Flip a fair coin:
With probability 1/2: done := True
With probability 1/2: level := level + 1


Time complexity

  • O(1)O(1) in expectation
  • O(logn)O(\log n) with high probability, i.e., with p1nΘ(1)p \ge \dfrac{1}{n^{\Theta(1)}}.

The maximum level of nn-element SkipList is O(logn)O(\log n) with high probability.

Consider the reverse of the path taken to find kk. We always move up as we can, because we always enter a node from its topmost level when doing a find.

The probability that we can move up at a given step of the reverse walk is 12\dfrac{1}{2}, since the probability of the existence of the next level is 12\dfrac{1}{2} (we flip a fair coin to determine whether to insert at a higher level).

Steps to go up ii levels C(i)=C(i)=

  • Make one step, then make either
    1. C(i1)C(i-1) steps if this step went up
    2. C(i)C(i) steps if this step went left

Expected number of steps to walk up ii levels is:

C(i)=1+12C(i1)+12C(i)C(i) = 1 + \dfrac{1}{2}C(i-1) + \dfrac{1}{2}C(i)

Then we get

C(i)=C(i1)+2C(i) = C(i-1) + 2


C(i)=2iC(i) = 2i

Since there are O(logn)O(\log n) levels expected, we have O(logn)O(\log n) steps expected.

Height expectation

For each level i{1,2,}i \in \left\lbrace 1, 2, \dots \right\rbrace, define the IRV

Ii={0,if the current level Liisempty1,otherwiseI_i = \begin{cases} 0, \text{if the current level } L_i is empty\\ 1, \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

The height hh of the SkipList is then given by h=i=1Iih = \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} I_i.

Note that IiI_i is never more than length of LiL_i (number of elements), hence E[Ii]E[Li]=n2i\mathbb{E}[I_i] \le \mathbb{E}[L_i] = \dfrac{n}{2^i} where nn is the number of elements in the SkipList.

Then we have

E[h]=i=1E[Ii]=i=1lognE[Ii]+i=logn+1E[Ii]i=1logn1+i=logn+1n2i=logn+i=logn+112ilognlogn+i=012i=logn+2\begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[h] &= \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \mathbb{E}[I_i]\\ &= \sum_{i=1}^{\left\lfloor \log n \right\rfloor} \mathbb{E}[I_i] + \sum_{i=\left\lfloor \log n \right\rfloor + 1}^{\infty} \mathbb{E}[I_i]\\ &\le \sum_{i=1}^{\left\lfloor \log n \right\rfloor} 1 + \sum_{i=\left\lfloor \log n \right\rfloor + 1}^{\infty} \dfrac{n}{2^i}\\ &= \left\lfloor \log n \right\rfloor + \sum_{i=\left\lfloor \log n \right\rfloor + 1}^{\infty} \dfrac{1}{2^{i-\log n}}\\ &\le \log n+ \sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\dfrac{1}{2^i}\\ &= \log n + 2 \end{aligned}


Efficient implementation of ORDERED DICTIONARY:

Search(S, k) Insert(S, x) Remove(S, x)
BinarySearchTree O(h)O(h) in worst case O(h)O(h) in worst case O(h)O(h) in worst case
Treap O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation
RB-Tree O(logn)O(\log n) in worst case O(logn)O(\log n) in worst case O(logn)O(\log n) in worst case
SkipList O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation O(logn)O(\log n) in expectation