and .
邻接矩阵(Adjacency Matrix)
简单有向图 ,不妨设 。
则 称为 的邻接矩阵( 阶矩阵),其中
相邻即存在 使得 。
Space cost memory regardless of .
邻接表(Adjacency List)
邻接表:对于每个顶点 ,记录与之相邻的顶点。(有向图无向图均可用)
邻接矩阵中元素为 ,称为布尔矩阵。若表示包含多重边的图,则不是布尔矩阵。
Space cost .
Graph Traversal (Searching in a Graph)
Use adjacency list below.
- Start at source node and find some node .
- Or visit all nodes reachable from .
- Breadth-first search (BFS, 广度优先搜索)
- Depth-first search (DFS, 深度优先搜索)
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Basic idea:
- Start at the source node ;
- Visit other nodes layer by layer.
1 | BFSSkeleton(G, s): |
Nodes have 3 status:
- Undiscovered: Not in queue yes;
- Discovered but not visited: In queue but not processed;
- Visited: Ejected from queue and processed.
Use Color instead, WHITE, GRAY, BLACK.
1 | BFD(G, s): |
The improved version also records the shortest path, instead of just the distance.
loop costs times since each node in at most once.for
loop costs times since each edge visited at most once or twice.- Total cost: .
Some theorems without proof (cos I'm lazy):
BFS visits a node iff it is reachable from the source node.
BFS correctly computes u.dist
for every node reachable from the source node.
Corollay: For any that is reachable from , one of the shortest path from to is a shortest path from to 's parent followed by the edge between 's parent and .
is a breadth-first tree, which can print on a shortest path from any node to the source node .
What if graph is not connected? Do a BFS for each connected component.
1 | BFD(G, s): |
Depth-First Search (DFS)
Like exploring a maze:
- Use a ball of string and a piece of chalk.
- Chalk: Boolean variables.
- String: A stack.
- Follow path (unwind string and mark at intersections), until stuck (reach dead-end or already-visited place).
- Backtrack (rewind string), until find unexplored neighbor (intersection with unexplored direction).
- Repeat above two steps.
1 | DFSSkeleton(G, s): |
1 | DFSIterSkeleton(G, s): |
Do DFS from multiple sources if the graph is not (strongly) connected.
1 | DFSAll(G): |
Each node have 3 status during DFS:
- Undiscovered WHITE: before calling
DFSSkeleton(G, u)
; - Discovered GRAY: during execution of
DFSSkeleton(G, u)
; - Finished BLACK:
DFSSkeleton(G, u)
DFS(G, u)
builds a tree among nodes reachable from :
- Root of this tree is ;
- For each non-root, its parent is the node that makes it turns GRAY.
DFS on entire graph builds a forest.
1 | DFSAll(G): |
DFS provides (at least) two chances to process each node:
- Pre-visit: WHITE to GRAY
- Post-visit: GRAY to BLACK
1 | DFSAll(G): |
Some application: Track active intervals of nodes
- Clock ticks whenever some nodes's color changes.
- Discovery time: when the node turns to GRAY.
- Finish time: when the node turns to BLACK.
1 | PreProcess(G): |
- Time spent on each node is and
DFS(G, u)
is called once for each node . - Time spent on each edge is and each edge is examined time.
- Total cost: .
DFS process classify edges of input graph into 4 types:
- Tree Edges: Edges in DFS forest.
- Back Edges: Edges connecting to an ancestor in a DFS tree.
- Forward Edges: Non-tree edges connecting to a descendant in a DFS tree.
- Cross Edges: Other edges.
- Connecting nodes in same DFS tree with no ancestor-descendant relation, or connecting nodes in different DFS trees.
Parenthesis Theorem
Active intervals of two nodes are either:
- entirely disjoint
- one is entirely contained within another
W.l.o.g., assume .
- If : then is discovered (WHITE to GRAY) while is being processed (GRAY); and DFS will finish first before returning to .
- In this case, and is an ancestor of .
- If : then obviously ; and DFS has finished exploring (BLACK), before is discovered (WHITE to GRAY).
- In this case, and are disjoint, and have no ancestor-descendant relation.
White-path Theorem
In the DFS forest, is a descendant of iff when is discovered, and there is a path in the graph from to containing only WHITE nodes.
Claim: If is a proper descendant of , then is WHITE when is discovered. Since if is a proper descendant of , then .
For any node along the path from to in the DFS forest, above claim holds.
Therefore direction of the theorem holds.
W.l.o.g., assume is the first node along the path that does not become a descendant of . So we get .
But is discovered after is discovered and must before is finished. So we have .
Then it must be , implying is a descendant of .
Classification of edges
Determine edge type by color of during DFS execution:
- Tree Edges: Node is WHITE.
- Back Edges: Node is GRAY.
- Forward Edges: Node is BLACK
- Cross Edges: Node is BLACK
Types of edges in undirected graphs
In DFS of an undirected graph , every edge of is either a Tree Edge or a Back Edge.
Consider an arbitrary edge . W.l.o.g., assume .
Edge must be explored while is GRAY.
Consider the first time the edge is explored:
- If the direction is : Then must be WHITE by then, for otherwise the edge would have been explored from direction earlier.
- If the direction is : Then the edge is GRAY to GRAY, which is a Back Edge.
Other queuing disciplines lead to other search.
Applications of DFS
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
A graph without cycles is called acyclic(无环).
A directed graph without cycles is a directed acyclic graph (DAG, 有向无环图).
DAGs are good for modeling relations such as: causalities, hierarchies, and temporal dependencies.
Topological Sort
A topological sort(拓扑序) of a DAG is a linear ordering of its vertices such that if contain an edge , then appears before in the ordering.
defines a partial order over , a topological sort gives a total order over satisfying .
Topological sort is impossible if the graph contains a cycle.
A given graph may have multiple different valid topological ordering.
- Does every DAG has a topological ordering?
- If true, How to tell if a directed graph is acyclic?
- If true, how to do a topological sort on a DAG?
Lemma 1
Directed graph is acyclic iff a DFS of yields no back edges.
For the sake of contradiction, assume DFS yields back edge .
So is ancestor of in DFS forest, meaning there's a path from to in .
But together with edge this creates a cycle. Contradiction!
For the sake of contradiction, assume contains a cycle .
Let be the first node to be discovered in C.
By the White-path theorem, is a descendant of in DFS forest.
But then when processing , becomes a back edge!
Lemma 2
If we do a DFS in DAG , then for every edge in .
When exploring , cannot be GRAY, otherwise we have a back edge.
If is WHITE, then becomes a descendant of and .
If is BLACK, then .
As a result, decreasing order of finish times of DFS on DAG gives a topological ordering. Therefore, every DAG has a topological ordering.
Topological Sort of :
- Do DFS on and compute finish times for each node along the way;
- When a node finishes, insert it to the head of a list;
- If no back edge is found, then the list eventually gives a Topological Ordering.
Time complexity is .
Alternative Algorithm for Topological Sort
A source node(源头点) is a node with no incoming edges.
A sink node(汇点) is a node without outgoing edges.
is source and are sink.
Obviously, each DAG has at least one source and one link.
Here are two observations:
- In DFS of a DAG, node with max finish time must be a source.
- Node with max finish time appears first in topological sort, it cannot have incoming edges.
- In DFS of a DAG, node with min finish time must be a sink.
- Node with min finish time appears last in topological sort, it cannot have outgoing edges.
Alternative Algorithm for Topological Sort:
- Find a source node in the (remaining) graph and output it;
- Delete and all its outgoing edges from the graph;
- Repeat until the graph is empty.
(Strongly) Connected Components
Connected Components
For an undirected graph , a connected component (CC, 连通分量) is a maximal set , such that for any pair of nodes in , there is a path from to .
For a directed graph , a strongly connected component (SCC, 强连通分量) is a maximal set , such that for any pair of nodes in , there is a directed path from to and a path from to , and vice versa.
Given an undirected graph, just do DFS or BFS on the entire graph can compute its CC.
However for a directed graph, it's not that easy.
Component Graph & Computing SCC
Given a directed graph , assume it has SSC . Then the component graph is .
- The vertex set , each representing one SCC.
- There is an edge if there exists where .
Claim: A component graph is a DAG. Otherwise the components in the circle becomes a bigger SCC, contradicting the maximality of SCC.
Since each DAG has at least one source and one sink, we can do one DFS starting from a node in a sink SCC, and explore exactly nodes in that SCC and stop.
- How to identify a node that is in a sink SCC?
- We don't know the structure of component graph.
- The node with earliest finished time is not always in a sink SCC.
- What to do when the first SCC is done?
Though the node with earliest finished time is not always in a sink SCC, the node with latest finished time is always in a source SCC.
Therefore, we can reverse the direction of each edge in getting , then the sink SCC in is the source SCC in .
Compute in time, then find a node is a source SCC in . Do DFS in , the nod ewith maximum finish time is guaranteed to be in source SCC.
For any edge , if , then .
Consider nodes in and , let be the first node visited by DFS.
If , then all nodes in will be visited before any nodes in is visited. In this case, the lemma is true.
If , at the time that DFS visits , for any node in , there is a white-path from to that node. In this case, due to the white-path theorem, the lemma again holds.
The second question. For remaining nodes in , the node with max finish time (in DFS of ) is again in a sink SCC for whatever remains of .
Tarjan's Algorithm*
Minimum Spanning Trees
Consider a connected, undirected, weighted graph . That is, we have a graph together with a weight function that assigns a real weight to each edge .
A spanning tree(生成树) of is a tree containing all nodes in and a subset of all the edges .
A minimum spanning tree(最小生成树, MST) is a spanning tree whose total weight is minimized.
Kruskal's Algorithm
Kruskal 算法:从空集开始,每次加入权重最小的安全边,直到生成树。
Identifying Safe Edges
A cut(割) of is a partition of into two parts.
An edge crosses the cut if one of its endpoint is in and the other endpoint is in .
A cut respects an edge set if no edge in crosses the cut.
An edge is a light edge crossing a cut if the edge has minimum weight among all edges crossing the cut.
Cut Property
Assume is included in the edge set of some MST, let be any cut respecting . If is a light edge crossing the cut, then is safe for .
Proof PPT:
Corollary: Assume is included in some MST, let . Then for any connected component in , its minimum-weight-outgoing-edge^outgoing in is safe for .
Strategy for finding safe edge in Kruskal's algorithm: Find minimum weight edge connecting two CC in .
1 | KruskalMST(G): |
Put another way:
- Start with CC, each node itself is a CC. And .
- Find minimum weight edge connecting two CC. Then the number of CC is reduced by 1.
- Repeat until one CC remain.
Kruskal's Algorithm process:
How to determine an edge forms a cycle? Put another way, how to determine if the edge is connecting two CC?
The answer is using disjoint-set data structure. Each set is a CC, and in same CC if Find(u) = Find(v)
1 | KruskalMST(G, w): |
Runtime of Kruskal's Algorithm: when using disjoint-set data structure.
参考了 Could Kruskal’s algorithm be implemented in this way instead of using a disjoint-set forest? 中的解答。
Prim's Algorithm
Prim Algorithm: Keep find MWOE in one fixed CC in .
1 | PrimMST(G, w): |
Put another way:
- Start with CC, each node itself is a CC. And .
- Pick a node .
- Find MWOE of the component containing . The number of CC is reduced by 1.
- Repeat until one CC remain.
Prim's Algorithm process:
How to find MWOE efficiently? Put another way, how to find the next node that is closest to ?
The answer is using a priority queue to maintain each remaining node's distance to .
1 | PrimeMST(G, w): |
using binary heap to implement priority queue.
Borůvka's Algorithm
The earliest MST algorithm.
- Starting with all nodes and an empty set of edges .
- Find MWOE for every remaining CC in , add all of them to .
- Repeat above step until we have a spanning tree.
Borůvka's Algorithm process:
It's okay to add multiple edges simultaneously. Pick each CC at one time and it's safe:
But may it result in circles?
Assume all weights of edges are distinctly, if CC propose MWOE to connect , and proposes MWOE to connect , then .
1 | BoruvkaMST(G, w): |
because we at least combine two CC into one CC for each CC in one iteration.
Borůvka’s algorithm allows for parallelism naturally; while the other two are intrinsically sequential.
Randomized algorithm with expected runtime exists.